Parlour Palms - Chamaedorea elegans, also known by the common names Neanthe Bella palm and Neanthe palm, are members of the Arecaceae family. Made famous as a houseplant by the Victorians and placed in their parlours for exotic effect, this plant duly gained its common name. The Parlour Palm tree is ideal for indoors because it is easy to look after, grows very slowly and thrives in low light.
Parlour Palms has strong air purifying properties that remove formaldehyde and xylene from the air, making them a great choice for anyone who wants to improve the indoor air quality of their home. They are also listed on NASA's list of air purifying houseplants.
Four care tips to keep your Parlour Palm looking lush
Tip 1: Light Levels - Not too dark
When you look at the instructions of what a Parlour Palm needs, it says low-light palm. People seem to take this as “no-light”, but no it does not mean this. They prefer bright, filtered light, but will adjust quite well to low light areas. So make sure to give your Palm a bit of love with some filtered light.
If you longing to give your palm a bit of a break from indoor growth, you can place it outdoors once the weather is warm. Just be sure not to leave it in a location that gets direct sunlight or the leaves can scorch.
Tip 2: Do not overwater it
Your plants are more likely to die from too much water than too little, and indoor plants don’t like sitting in soggy soil. The key to having a glorious Parlour Palm thrive, is to water it thoroughly and then allow it to dry a bit. Watering too often allows the soil to remain soggy for too long, which then promotes problems with root rot. If root rot develops, you can end up losing your palm tree.
In the winter months, water it less frequently because it takes longer to dry out. Most plants show you a sign something is off, whether it be water, sunlight or pruning. The Parlour Palm will get brown leaf tips, which indicates overwatering, while yellow fronds tell you that the plant needs a bit more water.
How to water your Parlor palm:
- Do not use cold water, because it can cause root shock, which may lead root damage, leaf drop and other problems. Use instead room temperature or tepid water.
- If your water contains chemicals, allow it to sit out overnight before using.
- Try to use rainwater or distilled water, as it has a lower pH. It can make your houseplants greener and healthier.
- Your parlor palm pot should always have a drainage hole to prevent it sitting in water which can cause root rot.
Tip 3: Lots of humidity
This palm tree is native to the rainforests in Southern Mexico and Guatemala, where the humidity levels are high and constant. Therefore your palm tree needs a lot of moisture to recreate its natural growing conditions.
If humidity is too low it can cause the palm to develop brown tips on the fronds.
How to increase humidity for your plants in your house or office
- Spray plants with a fine mist of water : Mist 3-4 times a week, this will also discourage spider mites from attacking your plant since the misting helps keep the plant free of dust. Try to use rainwater, which doesn’t contain chemicals or lime, and make sure it’s tepid before spraying.
- Use a humidifier .Good for the plants to add extra humidity during the winter period.
- Make some pebble trays. As you water, the fluid drains from the bottom of the pot’s holes and into the pebble-lined tray and as it evaporates, it creates humidity and a damp microclimate around the plant.
- Use the bathroom: You can place and keep your Parlour plant in your bathroom if it has enough light. The bathroom is typically the most humid area of the home and it creates a naturally humid environment, making it the ideal location for growing your palm tree. Additionally you can give your plants a little lukewarm shower for 30 seconds.
- Avoid hot spots and draughts. Don't place your plants near radiators or near doorways and corridors, as draughts lower humidity.
Tip 4: Give it a hair cut
When it comes to pruning requirements for your Parlour Palm, they are very low. Like most palm trees, Parlour Palms are self-cleaning, so their old fronds naturally turn completely brown and drop from the plant without assistance.
However, to keep your plant looking healthy you can occasionally give it a trim. With a pair of sharp scissors remove only the brown and yellow leaves as soon as they appear, this allows the plant to spend more of its energy on new growth.
Addressing some of the most common questions about Parlor Palms
Why Are The Leaf Tips On My Parlor Palm Turning Brown?
It is also possible that the leaves have brown spots: don't worry, these are not a sign of a palm disease, but simply of too much sun, so avoid exposing your plant to direct sunlight, too much direct sunlight can burn the fronds.
The drying out of the leaf tips on indoor palms is mainly due to a too low air humidity or inadequate watering. Try to increase humidity by misting the foliage with water at room temperature, on the top and especially the underside of the leaves.
As a palm tree leaf reaches the end of its natural life, it turns brown–beginning at the tip and continuing until the leaf completely browns and drops off.
Why Are My Parlor Palm’s Leaves Turning Yellow?
There are several reasons why your Parlor Palm‘s leaves are turning yellow, including incorrect watering techniques, nutrient deficiency, pest infestation or fungal disease.
Yellowing leaves on a Parlor Palm are usually a sign of under watering. Dry soil can result yellow and wilting leaves. You can easily fix this by regular water applications. During warmer months you can probably water your palm once a week.
Parlor palms are succulents, so they prefer semi-dry conditions. Allow the top soil to dry completely between watering.
Yellowing leaves of your palm could also be due to nutrient deficiency. To fix this, apply fertilisers that are enriched with nitrogen, manganese and magnesium, since these help the plants stay green and grow healthily.
Are Parlor Palms Toxic To Pets?
Parlor palms are considered non-toxic to cats, dogs and people, making them perfect for your home or an dog-friendly office environment.
Does A Parlor Palm Bloom?
Not many people know this, but if a Parlour Palm is well looked after and have plenty of light, as it gets older it will flower, with masses of small golden globe like flowers on its multiple stems.