Meristem Design

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Meristem's selfie wall adds to the buzz at the Chelsea Flower Show!

Meristem were enlisted by the RHS to produce a vibrant and exciting bee inspired living ‘selfie’ wall at the Chelsea Flower Show! We provided the perfect spot for visitors to get a beautiful photo with their friends and family to remember their trip to Chelsea.


The ‘Bee Highway Selfie Wall’ wall designed by our living wall specialist Nina - the 3m by 3m wall contained a strip, or highway, of vibrantly coloured, pollinator friendly flowering species, on a backdrop of deep green grasses, ferns and ivy. The design showcases the role of bees as an essential cog in maintaining healthy ecosystems, as well as to give the little fellas some nectar to keep the cycle of life turning!


The inspiration came from Nina’s desire to highlight and combat the worldwide decline of bee populations. Bees are the most prominent pollinators in Europe, ensuring the survival of around 80% of crops and wild plants across the continent, and so play a vital role in maintaining the ecosystems we all depend on.


Due to habitat removal and the use of bee harming pesticides in gardens and agriculture, however, many species are at risk. The wall illustrates how we can combat this decline by creating pollinator-friendly, pesticide free habitats with wide variety of plants, to create a biodiverse area that provides many sources of food and important materials for bees.


We hope that if you were at the show you enjoyed the wall, and will take inspiration to make your own garden more bee friendly!

If you are interested in a temporary living wall for a show then please contact us!