Archway Town Centre and TfL Station Goes Green

Meristem have teamed up with Islington Council, Archway Town Centre and Transport for London to help transform Archway into a greener more welcoming place to shop, work and live.  To achieve this we rolled out a series of high profile green interventions which included Parklets, over 150mtrs of colourful steel planters, 2000 plants and 150 green screens.

At Whittington hospital wanted to create a healthier environment, where their patients and visitors could benefit from both the biophilic benefits and air pollution removal of urban planting, with a vibrant and attractive display. To do this we designed and built custom made yellow steel planters along the perimeter of the hospital’s busy Highgate Hill Road.

We planted a variety of English Ivy (Hedera helix) green screens, Jasmine and a large selection of base planting of pollinator friendly shrubs such as Vinca minor and Teucrium fruticans to make the space both more ecologically and visually friendly.

Close by, on Junction Road, we installed another one of our trademark Parklets containing a variety of colourful base panting and an Amelanchier tree as the focal point of the space. The aim was to provide an area for locals to sit and relax, in close proximity to nature, which is a rare opportunity in the very built up location.

In Archway underground station we were asked by Transport for London to create a “green gateway” into the main station

Nowhere is the estrangement from nature of the modern life more pronounced than on the underground, with its lack of natural light and dangerously toxic air, and so we were only too happy to try to bridge that gap.

This is the first TfL station for Meristem and we’re delighted to say we have more of their stations that will be going green in the next few months.

If you would like more information, or you have an area that needs greening up, then click here to contact us.