Meristem Help Combat Air Pollution in 10 Schools Over Summer

Over the summer months, Meristem Design have been busy installing green screens into ten different schools around London. The largest project completed was the 80m Ivy green screens at John Keble Primary School. In total 400m of green screens were installed in all ten schools. 

 The ten schools included St Mary’s Bryanston Square Primary School, Camden School for Girls, London Fields Primary, St Paul’s Steiner School, Salisbury Primary School, Three Bridges Primary School, John Keble Primary School, St Anne’s Primary School, Christopher Hatton Primary School, Addey and Stanhope School.

At Christopher Hatton Primary School we installed more than just the traditional ivy green screens. Indoor window planters and two live pictures were added to the schools indoor areas.

All schools had green ivy screens installed to help combat air pollution. A study by Defra and the GLA showed that the use of green screens at schools successfully reduced air pollution by “up to 36% and 41% for NO2 and PM10, respectively”.

 A rise in the number of green screens in schools has been promoted by The Guardian’s research, where they compiled a list of all London schools and the levels of nitrogen dioxide at each location, to find that over 800 schools had breached the EU’s legal limit of 40µg/m3. Tens of thousands of children at nurseries and colleges in London are being exposed to illegal levels of air pollution that puts them at risk of having life long health problems. 

The Head Master of Camden School for Girls said “We are extremely happy with the Green Screens erected by Meristem Design over the summer holidays. The contractors were very easy to work with, the quality of the installation was excellent, contractors were friendly and helpful and the pricing was competitive. I would not hesitate to recommend them.” Review us on Google -

If you think your child’s school may benefit from a reduction in air pollution, contact us today!