Case studies

Raglan Primary School

Enhancing Air Quality in Schools: Green Screens for Raglan Primary

Project overview

In June 2022, we installed a 60m mixed green screen at Raglan Primary School. This initiative aimed to enhance air quality, privacy, and biodiversity while creating a greener and more engaging outdoor space for students. Fully mature from day one, the green screen instantly transformed the school’s perimeter with natural hedging.



The project involved installing a 60m mixed green screen along the perimeter of Raglan Primary School’s playground. Beneath the screen, herbs and edible plants were introduced to support outdoor learning and encourage student interaction with nature.


The school’s proximity to the busy A10 presented significant challenges, particularly in mitigating air pollution for a safer learning environment. The playground’s exposure to both the road and nearby houses required a solution to enhance privacy and security.


Carefully designed strategies were implemented to provide

Air Quality Improvement

The green screens were selected for their ability to absorb up to 60% of nitrogen dioxide and fine dust particulates

Instant Privacy and Aesthetic Appeal

Fully mature green screens were installed, providing an immediate and attractive natural barrier

Interactive Planting

Herbs and edible plants were included to educate students about food sources and encourage ecological awareness

Sustainable Maintenance

An automatic irrigation system, paired with a year of complimentary care, ensured the longevity of the installation


The project has made a lasting positive impact on the school environment:

Healthier Air

The green screens help filter pollutants, creating a safer and cleaner environment for students and staff

Enhanced Privacy and Security

The natural barrier improves safety and creates a more enclosed and comfortable space for play and learning.

Increased Biodiversity

The addition of greenery and pollinator-friendly plants supports local ecosystems

Educational and Emotional Benefits

The project promotes outdoor learning, enhances student interaction with nature, and contributes to overall wellbeing




Raglan Primary School
Raglan Primary School
Raglan Primary School
Raglan Primary School
Raglan Primary School
Raglan Primary School
Raglan Primary School
Raglan Primary School

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